Grand Title: Nose to Know: The Ultimate Guide to Nasal Surgery Costs in Turkey.

Nasal surgery, often referred to as rhinoplasty or septoplasty, has become a popular cosmetic and medical procedure in Turkey due to its advanced healthcare facilities and competitive pricing. Whether you’re seeking cosmetic enhancement or functional improvements, understanding the costs involved is crucial.

This comprehensive guide explores all aspects of nasal surgery pricing in Turkey, including detailed cost breakdowns, factors affecting the price, and regional price variations.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Nasal Surgery

Several factors can impact the overall cost of nasal surgery:

Surgeon’s Expertise

  • Renowned Surgeons: Surgeons with a high reputation and extensive experience can command higher fees. Expect to pay between $5,000 and $7,000 for procedures performed by top-tier surgeons.
  • Less Experienced Surgeons: Surgeons with less experience or those newer to the field may offer lower prices, ranging from $2,500 to $4,000.

Clinic Location

  • Istanbul: As Turkey’s largest city and a major medical tourism hub, Istanbul offers numerous high-quality clinics. Prices here range from $2,500 to $7,000, depending on the procedure and surgeon.
  • Ankara: The capital city has competitive pricing, typically ranging from $2,000 to $5,500.
  • Izmir: Known for its affordability, Izmir offers procedures between $2,000 and $5,000.

Type of Procedure

  • Simple Procedures: Basic rhinoplasty or septoplasty generally costs less than more complex procedures.
  • Advanced Procedures: Functional and revision surgeries, or those requiring additional techniques, are priced higher due to their complexity and extended recovery needs.

Hospital Facilities and Aftercare

  • Luxury Clinics: High-end facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and personalized care may charge more, ranging from $4,000 to $7,000.
  • Standard Clinics: More budget-friendly options with standard amenities generally cost between $2,500 and $4,500.

Prices of all types of Nasal surgeries in Turkey.

Primary Rhinoplasty

Definition and Details:

Primary rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to alter the appearance of the nose to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing look and enhance facial symmetry.

This surgery can address issues such as a dorsal hump, a drooping nasal tip, or asymmetry.

The procedure may involve the open technique, which includes an incision across the columella for direct access to the nasal structures, or the closed technique, which involves incisions inside the nostrils, leaving no external scars.

The surgery reshapes the nasal bones and cartilage to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals. Post-operative care involves managing swelling and bruising, and patients generally return to normal activities within 1-2 weeks, though complete healing and final results can take several months.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Initial assessment and discussion of goals.
  • Medical History Review: Evaluation of patient’s health history and suitability.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Photos or 3D imaging for planning and simulation.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: Open or closed technique to access nasal structures.
  • Cartilage and Bone Reshaping: Sculpting nasal bones and cartilage.
  • Tip and Dorsal Hump Correction: Modifying specific areas of the nose.
  • Nasal Framework Adjustment: Ensuring structural integrity and aesthetics.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing and dressing to close the incisions.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Post-operative observation in the recovery area.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing swelling and care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and address concerns.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the final results and making any necessary adjustments.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $100 – $300
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $200 – $500
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Cartilage and Bone Reshaping: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Tip and Dorsal Hump Correction: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Framework Adjustment: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $200 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,800 – $8,800


Definition and Details:

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting a deviated septum, which is the cartilage and bone that divides the nasal passages.

A deviated septum can cause significant breathing difficulties, nasal congestion, and sinus infections. Septoplasty involves straightening the septum to improve airflow and alleviate these symptoms.

The procedure is performed through internal incisions, avoiding external scars. The surgeon repositions or removes portions of the septum to enhance nasal passage airflow.

Post-operative care includes managing nasal congestion and discomfort, with a typical recovery period of 1-2 weeks, although full healing can take several months.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Initial assessment and planning.
  • Medical History Review: Comprehensive evaluation of patient’s health and nasal anatomy.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Nasal endoscopy or imaging to assess deviation.
  • Anesthesia Administration: Local or general anesthesia based on patient needs.
  • Incision Making: Internal incisions to access the septum.
  • Septum Reshaping: Straightening or removing portions of the septum.
  • Nasal Passage Adjustment: Ensuring improved airflow and symmetry.
  • Suturing: Closing internal incisions with absorbable sutures.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing material to support the septum and reduce bleeding.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation for any immediate complications.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing congestion and care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Monitoring healing and removing nasal packing.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of the procedure and making any necessary adjustments.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $100 – $300
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $200 – $500
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Septum Reshaping: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Passage Adjustment: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Suturing: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Packing: $100 – $200
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $200 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $2,800 – $5,000

Functional Rhinoplasty

Definition and Details:

Functional rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that combines aesthetic enhancements with functional improvements, primarily focusing on resolving breathing issues caused by nasal obstructions or deformities.

It often addresses both cosmetic concerns, such as nasal shape or size, and functional issues, such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates.

The procedure involves detailed planning to achieve optimal balance between form and function.

The surgery is performed using either the open or closed technique, and recovery includes managing both aesthetic and functional aspects, with a typical recovery period of 2-3 weeks.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Detailed assessment of both aesthetic and functional concerns.
  • Medical History Review: Comprehensive evaluation of breathing issues and nasal anatomy.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Detailed nasal imaging to plan surgical approach.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: Open or closed technique based on the complexity.
  • Reshaping Nasal Structures: Addressing both aesthetic and functional issues.
  • Correction of Nasal Obstructions: Improving airflow and nasal function.
  • Reconstruction of Nasal Framework: Ensuring structural stability and aesthetics.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing and dressing.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing to support healing.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Post-operative observation for complications.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing recovery and nasal care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and functionality.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing both aesthetic and functional results.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $600
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Reshaping Nasal Structures: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Correction of Nasal Obstructions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Reconstruction of Nasal Framework: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $3,800 – $6,800

Revision Rhinoplasty

Definition and Details:

Revision rhinoplasty is a secondary surgery performed to correct or improve the results of a previous rhinoplasty.

This procedure may address complications, aesthetic issues, or functional problems that were not resolved by the initial surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty is generally more complex than primary rhinoplasty due to scar tissue and altered nasal anatomy from the first surgery.

The approach may involve both reconstructive and cosmetic techniques to achieve desired results. Recovery involves managing swelling, bruising, and potential complications, with a typical recovery period of 2-3 weeks, though final results may take several months to fully manifest.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Evaluation of previous surgery results and discussion of goals.
  • Medical History Review: Detailed review of past surgeries and current issues.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Advanced imaging to assess nasal structure and plan revision.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: Accessing nasal structures through open or closed technique.
  • Scar Tissue Management: Addressing and removing scar tissue.
  • Reshaping Nasal Structures: Correcting previous issues and enhancing appearance.
  • Nasal Reconstruction: Rebuilding and supporting nasal framework.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing and applying dressings.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing to aid healing and reduce swelling.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to ensure proper recovery.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Instructions on managing recovery and care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and adjust treatment.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing final results and addressing any residual issues.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Scar Tissue Management: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Reshaping Nasal Structures: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Reconstruction: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $9,000


Definition and Details:

Turbinoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size of the turbinates, which are structures inside the nasal passages that can become enlarged and obstruct airflow.

This procedure is typically performed to improve nasal breathing and alleviate symptoms such as nasal congestion and sinusitis.

Turbinoplasty may be done using various techniques, including resection (removal of part of the turbinate), reduction (shrinking the turbinate), or cauterization (using heat to shrink the tissue).

The procedure is often performed under local or general anesthesia, with recovery involving managing nasal congestion and potential discomfort.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Evaluation of nasal congestion and planning.
  • Medical History Review: Assessing health and nasal issues.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Imaging to assess turbinate size and nasal anatomy.
  • Anesthesia Administration: Local or general anesthesia based on procedure complexity.
  • Incision Making: Accessing turbinates through nasal passages.
  • Turbinate Reduction: Using techniques such as resection, reduction, or cauterization.
  • Nasal Passage Adjustment: Ensuring improved airflow and nasal function.
  • Closing Incisions: Minimal, as the procedure is often performed endoscopically.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing material if needed.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation post-surgery for immediate complications.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing recovery and nasal care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Monitoring healing and assessing nasal function.
  • Final Evaluation: Evaluating the effectiveness of the procedure and making adjustments.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $100 – $300
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $200 – $500
  • Anesthesia Administration: $300 – $800
  • Incision Making: Included in procedure fee
  • Turbinate Reduction: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Passage Adjustment: Included in procedure fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $100 – $200
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $150 – $400
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $1,500 – $3,500

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Definition and Details:

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat chronic sinusitis and other nasal and sinus conditions by removing obstructions and improving drainage.

This surgery uses an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera, to visualize and access the sinus cavities through the nostrils.

The procedure may involve removing polyps, correcting structural issues, or clearing infections. It is performed under general or local anesthesia, and recovery involves managing nasal congestion and discomfort.

The procedure generally offers significant relief from sinus symptoms and improves overall nasal function.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Evaluation of sinus issues and treatment planning.
  • Medical History Review: Comprehensive assessment of sinus symptoms and health.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Sinus imaging to identify obstructions and plan surgery.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General or local anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Endoscopic Access: Inserting the endoscope through the nostrils to visualize the sinuses.
  • Removal of Obstructions: Clearing polyps, infected tissue, or other blockages.
  • Correction of Structural Issues: Addressing anatomical problems affecting sinus drainage.
  • Nasal Irrigation: Flushing out the sinus cavities if necessary.
  • Closing and Dressing: Applying any necessary dressings or packing.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to manage immediate post-surgical effects.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on nasal care and managing recovery.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and sinus function.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of the procedure and any further treatment needs.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Endoscopic Access: Included in procedure fee
  • Removal of Obstructions: Included in procedure fee
  • Correction of Structural Issues: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Irrigation: $100 – $200
  • Closing and Dressing: $100 – $200
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $3,000 – $6,000

Nasal Polypectomy

Definition and Details:

Nasal polypectomy is a surgical procedure to remove nasal polyps, which are non-cancerous growths that can obstruct nasal passages and cause breathing difficulties, sinus infections, and reduced sense of smell.

The procedure is typically performed using an endoscope, which allows the surgeon to view and remove polyps through the nostrils without making external incisions.

Nasal polypectomy is often used when other treatments, such as medication or nasal sprays, have failed to alleviate symptoms.

Recovery involves managing nasal congestion and potential discomfort, with most patients returning to normal activities within a week.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Assessment of nasal polyps and treatment planning.
  • Medical History Review: Evaluating symptoms and overall health.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Imaging to locate and assess the size of polyps.
  • Anesthesia Administration: Local or general anesthesia depending on the extent of the procedure.
  • Endoscopic Access: Inserting an endoscope through the nostrils to visualize polyps.
  • Polyp Removal: Using specialized instruments to remove polyps.
  • Nasal Irrigation: Flushing out the nasal passages to clear debris.
  • Closing and Dressing: Applying any necessary packing or dressings.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to ensure proper recovery and manage complications.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Instructions on nasal care and managing recovery.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Monitoring healing and assessing the need for further treatment.
  • Final Evaluation: Checking for recurrence of polyps and evaluating overall nasal function.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $100 – $300
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $200 – $500
  • Anesthesia Administration: $300 – $800
  • Endoscopic Access: Included in procedure fee
  • Polyp Removal: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Irrigation: $100 – $200
  • Closing and Dressing: $100 – $200
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $150 – $400
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $1,500 – $3,500

Nasal Fracture Repair

Definition and Details:

Nasal fracture repair is a surgical procedure to correct a broken or fractured nose, often resulting from trauma or injury.

The procedure aims to realign the nasal bones and restore normal nasal function and appearance.

The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the approach depends on the type and severity of the fracture.

In cases of complex fractures, the surgery may involve internal fixation with plates or screws. Post-operative care includes managing swelling, bruising, and potential discomfort, with a recovery period of 1-2 weeks and final healing taking several months.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Evaluation of the nasal fracture and treatment planning.
  • Medical History Review: Assessment of the injury and overall health.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: X-rays or CT scans to assess the extent of the fracture.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: Internal or external incisions based on the fracture type.
  • Realignment of Nasal Bones: Repositioning fractured nasal bones.
  • Internal Fixation: Use of plates, screws, or other devices if needed.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing material to stabilize the nose.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing any incisions made during the procedure.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to manage immediate post-surgical effects.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing swelling, bruising, and recovery.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and nasal function.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the success of the procedure and any need for further treatment.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in procedure fee
  • Realignment of Nasal Bones: Included in procedure fee
  • Internal Fixation: $500 – $1,000 (if required)
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $3,500 – $7,000

Nasal Valve Repair

Definition and Details:

Nasal valve repair is a surgical procedure designed to address functional issues with the nasal valve, the narrowest part of the nasal airway that can become obstructed due to structural abnormalities or trauma.

The procedure aims to improve airflow and alleviate symptoms such as nasal congestion and difficulty breathing.

Nasal valve repair can involve techniques such as grafting, repositioning of nasal cartilages, or the use of implants.

The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, with recovery focusing on managing swelling and ensuring proper nasal function.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Assessment of nasal valve function and planning.
  • Medical History Review: Evaluating symptoms and nasal structure.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: Imaging to assess the nasal valve and airway.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: Accessing the nasal valve through the nostrils or external incisions.
  • Repair of Nasal Valve: Techniques such as grafting or cartilage repositioning.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing material if needed.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing any incisions made during the procedure.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to manage immediate post-surgical effects.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on nasal care and managing recovery.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Monitoring healing and assessing nasal valve function.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the success of the repair and overall nasal function.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in procedure fee
  • Repair of Nasal Valve: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $100 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,000 – $8,000

Nasal Deformity Correction

Definition and Details:

Nasal deformity correction is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing congenital or acquired deformities of the nose that affect both function and appearance.

This procedure can involve a range of techniques, including reshaping the nasal bones and cartilages, repairing the nasal septum, or reconstructing the nasal tip.

The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and may involve both external and internal approaches.

Recovery involves managing swelling, bruising, and ensuring the proper function of the reconstructed nasal structures.

Procedure Steps:

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Evaluation of the nasal deformity and planning.
  • Medical History Review: Assessing the deformity and overall health.
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: X-rays or CT scans to assess nasal structure.
  • Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Incision Making: External or internal incisions based on the deformity.
  • Correction of Nasal Structures: Reshaping bones and cartilages as needed.
  • Nasal Septum Repair: Addressing any issues with the nasal septum.
  • Nasal Tip Reconstruction: Reconstructing or reshaping the nasal tip.
  • Closing Incisions: Suturing any incisions made during the procedure.
  • Nasal Packing: Placement of packing material to stabilize the nose.
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: Observation to manage immediate post-surgical effects.
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Guidance on managing recovery and nasal care.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and nasal function.
  • Final Evaluation: Assessing the success of the procedure and any need for further adjustments.


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in procedure fee
  • Correction of Nasal Structures: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Septum Repair: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Tip Reconstruction: Included in procedure fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,500 – $9,000

Pricing Overview of Nasal Surgery Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Reshaping: $2,500 – $4,500
  • Nasal Reconstruction: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,550 – $8,500


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $280 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Reshaping: $2,200 – $4,000
  • Nasal Reconstruction: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,430 – $8,000


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $170 – $340
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Nasal Reshaping: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Reconstruction: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $7,520



  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $350
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Septal Reconstruction: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,050 – $7,600


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $160 – $320
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Septal Reconstruction: $1,800 – $3,500
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $3,930 – $7,090


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $150 – $310
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $260 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Septal Reconstruction: $1,700 – $3,400
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $3,880 – $6,820

Ethmoid Sinus Surgery


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $220 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $350 – $750
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Sinus Cleaning and Removal: $2,500 – $4,500
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,670 – $8,500


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $320 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Sinus Cleaning and Removal: $2,200 – $4,000
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,280 – $7,550


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $190 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $680
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Incision Making: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Sinus Cleaning and Removal: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in surgeon’s fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $7,120

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $250 – $450
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $400 – $800
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Endoscopic Sinus Examination: $2,800 – $5,000
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $9,750


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $220 – $420
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $350 – $750
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Endoscopic Sinus Examination: $2,500 – $4,500
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,900 – $8,700


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $320 – $720
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Endoscopic Sinus Examination: $2,200 – $4,000
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,570 – $8,000

Nasal Polypectomy


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Polyp Removal: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,800 – $7,900


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Polyp Removal: $1,800 – $3,500
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,430 – $7,530


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $170 – $340
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $260 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Polyp Removal: $1,700 – $3,400
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $6,900

Balloon Sinuplasty


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $220 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $350 – $750
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Balloon Dilation: $2,500 – $4,500
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,670 – $8,500


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $320 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Balloon Dilation: $2,200 – $4,000
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,430 – $7,550


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $190 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $680
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Balloon Dilation: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $7,120

Nasal Fracture Repair


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Fracture Realignment: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,800 – $7,900


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Fracture Realignment: $1,800 – $3,500
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,430 – $7,530


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $170 – $340
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $260 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Fracture Realignment: $1,700 – $3,400
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $6,900

Turbinate Reduction


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Turbinate Reduction: $2,000 – $3,800
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,800 – $7,900


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Turbinate Reduction: $1,800 – $3,500
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,430 – $7,530


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $170 – $340
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $260 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Turbinate Reduction: $1,700 – $3,400
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $6,900

Septoplasty with Turbinate Reduction


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $380
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $320 – $720
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Septoplasty: $2,500 – $4,500
  • Turbinate Reduction: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $5,220 – $9,000


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $180 – $360
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $270 – $650
  • Anesthesia Administration: $550 – $1,100
  • Septoplasty: $2,200 – $4,000
  • Turbinate Reduction: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $130 – $300 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,790 – $8,600


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $170 – $340
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $260 – $620
  • Anesthesia Administration: $500 – $1,000
  • Septoplasty: $1,700 – $3,400
  • Turbinate Reduction: Included in procedure fee
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $4,060 – $7,200



  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $250 – $450
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $400 – $800
  • Anesthesia Administration: $800 – $1,600
  • Rhinoplasty Procedure: $3,500 – $6,500
  • Nasal Packing: $150 – $250
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $300 – $600
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $200 – $400 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $6,700 – $11,200


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $220 – $420
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $350 – $750
  • Anesthesia Administration: $700 – $1,400
  • Rhinoplasty Procedure: $3,200 – $6,000
  • Nasal Packing: $130 – $220
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $250 – $550
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $150 – $350 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $6,200 – $10,350


  • Pre-Operative Consultation: $200 – $400
  • Medical History Review: Included in consultation fee
  • Pre-Surgery Imaging: $320 – $720
  • Anesthesia Administration: $600 – $1,200
  • Rhinoplasty Procedure: $2,800 – $5,500
  • Nasal Packing: $120 – $200
  • Closing Incisions: Included in procedure fee
  • Initial Recovery Monitoring: $230 – $500
  • Post-Operative Instructions: Included in consultation fee
  • Follow-Up Visits: $120 – $280 per visit
  • Final Evaluation: Included in follow-up visits
  • Total Estimated Cost: $5,390 – $9,100

Additional Costs to Consider

  • Pre-Operative Consultation: Often priced between $100 and $300, this includes initial assessments and planning.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Typically $500 to $1,000, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the type of anesthesia used.
  • Post-Operative Care: Follow-up visits and any additional treatments or medications may add $200 to $500 to the total cost.
  • Travel and Accommodation: For international patients, travel and accommodation costs should be factored in, which can range from $500 to $1,500 depending on your location and preferences.

Payment Options and Financing

Many clinics in Turkey offer flexible payment plans and financing options to accommodate different budgets.

It’s advisable to inquire about these options during your initial consultation.

Tips for Choosing the Right Clinic

  • Research Thoroughly: Look for clinics with positive reviews and experienced surgeons. Verify their credentials and ask for before-and-after photos of previous patients.
  • Consult Multiple Clinics: Obtain quotes and consult with several clinics to compare services, prices, and facilities.
  • Check for Accreditation: Ensure that the clinic is accredited by relevant health authorities to guarantee quality and safety standards.

How to prepare for a Nasal surgery?

Personal Preparations Before Nasal Surgery

Understand the Procedure:

  • Research: Take time to thoroughly understand the nasal surgery procedure you will undergo. This includes reading detailed articles, watching educational videos, and consulting reputable medical sources. Knowing the specifics of the surgery, including the techniques used and the expected outcomes, will help you feel more comfortable and informed.
  • Expectation Management: Set realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes. Understand that while the goal is improvement, achieving perfection is not always possible. Discuss these expectations with your surgeon to align your goals with what is medically feasible.

Healthy Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking can significantly impair the healing process and increase the risk of complications such as infections. It is recommended to quit smoking at least six weeks before the surgery. This allows your body to better prepare for the procedure and ensures a smoother recovery.
  • Alcohol Reduction: Alcohol can interfere with anesthesia and prolong the recovery process. Reduce your alcohol intake or abstain completely for a few weeks before and after the surgery.

Dietary Changes:

  • Balanced Diet: Maintain a nutrient-rich diet to boost your immune system and promote faster healing. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your meals. These nutrients support tissue repair and overall health.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy tissues and ensuring your body functions optimally. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, more if you’re physically active.

Medication Management:

  • Review Current Medications: Discuss all the medications you are currently taking with your surgeon, including over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, and vitamins. Some medications may need to be adjusted or discontinued temporarily to avoid complications.
  • Avoid Blood Thinners: Discontinue the use of blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements like fish oil, which can increase bleeding risks during and after surgery.

Arrange Post-Surgery Support:

  • Caregiver: Arrange for a family member or friend to assist you during the initial recovery period, especially for the first 24-48 hours post-surgery. You’ll need help with daily activities and transportation to follow-up appointments.
  • Transportation: Ensure you have reliable transportation arranged for the day of the surgery and for any follow-up visits, as you will not be able to drive immediately after the procedure.

Prepare Your Home:

  • Comfortable Recovery Space: Set up a comfortable recovery area in your home with essentials like pillows, blankets, and entertainment options within easy reach. This space should be conducive to rest and relaxation.
  • Essential Supplies: Stock up on items you’ll need during recovery, such as ice packs, gauze, prescribed medications, saline spray for nasal irrigation, and comfortable clothing.

Mental Preparation:

  • Stress Management: Pre-surgery anxiety is normal. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to manage stress. Keeping a positive mindset can greatly impact your recovery experience.
  • Support System: Talk to friends or family members about your concerns and seek their emotional support. Having a strong support system can provide comfort and reassurance.

Financial Arrangements:

  • Cost Planning: Understand the complete cost of the surgery, including consultations, the procedure itself, medications, and follow-up visits. Request a detailed breakdown of all costs to avoid any surprises.
  • Insurance Coverage: Check with your insurance provider to understand what aspects of the procedure are covered. Some nasal surgeries may be partially covered if they address functional issues, such as breathing difficulties.

Clothing and Accessories:

  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of the surgery. Button-down shirts are ideal, as they don’t require pulling over your head, which can be uncomfortable post-surgery.
  • Avoid Jewelry and Makeup: Refrain from wearing jewelry, makeup, and nail polish on the day of surgery to maintain a sterile environment and avoid any interference with medical equipment.

Pre-Surgery Hygiene:

  • Bathing: Take a thorough shower the night before and the morning of the surgery to minimize the risk of infection. Use antibacterial soap to cleanse your skin.
  • Facial Cleanliness: Ensure your face is clean and free of any products, as this can help keep the surgical site sterile. Avoid using any facial creams, lotions, or makeup on the day of the surgery.

Preparations with the Doctor Before Nasal Surgery

Initial Consultation:

  • Comprehensive Discussion: Engage in a detailed conversation about your medical history, current health status, and surgical goals. Your surgeon will evaluate your overall health and suitability for the procedure.
  • Examination: Undergo a thorough nasal and facial examination. This may include a physical examination and the use of diagnostic tools to assess the internal structures of your nose.

Diagnostic Testing:

  • Imaging: Complete necessary imaging tests such as X-rays or CT scans. These images provide a detailed view of your nasal anatomy and help the surgeon plan the procedure accurately.
  • Laboratory Tests: Conduct blood tests and other laboratory evaluations to ensure you are in good health for surgery. These tests check for any underlying conditions that could affect the surgery.

Pre-Surgery Instructions:

  • Detailed Guidance: Receive specific instructions regarding fasting, medication adjustments, and pre-surgery preparations. These instructions are crucial for minimizing risks and ensuring a smooth surgery.
  • Written Instructions: Obtain written pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions to refer to during the preparation period. Keep these instructions handy for quick reference.

Medication Review:

  • Current Medications: Review all current medications with your surgeon and discuss any necessary adjustments. Your surgeon will advise which medications to continue and which to stop before surgery.
  • Prescriptions: Obtain prescriptions for post-surgery medications, including pain relievers, antibiotics, and any other necessary drugs. Fill these prescriptions before the surgery to have them ready when you return home.

Anesthesia Plan:

  • Anesthesiologist Consultation: Meet with the anesthesiologist to discuss the type of anesthesia to be used during the surgery. This is also an opportunity to address any concerns or questions you may have about anesthesia.
  • Pre-Anesthesia Instructions: Follow specific guidelines regarding food, drink, and medication intake before anesthesia. These instructions are essential for your safety during the procedure.

Pre-Surgical Clearance:

  • Medical Clearance: Get clearance from your primary care physician or specialist if you have any chronic conditions or health concerns. This ensures that your body is ready for the stress of surgery.
  • Cardiac Evaluation: Undergo a cardiac evaluation if required, especially if you have a history of heart conditions. This assessment ensures your heart can handle the procedure.

Informed Consent:

  • Understanding Risks: Discuss potential risks, complications, and the expected recovery process with your surgeon. Make sure you understand all aspects of the procedure.
  • Signing Consent Forms: Read and sign informed consent forms to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to proceed with the surgery. This is a legal requirement and an important step in the process.

Surgical Plan:

  • Customized Plan: Discuss the specific surgical plan, including the techniques to be used and the expected outcomes. Your surgeon will explain how they plan to achieve your desired results.
  • Visual Aids: Review before-and-after photos or 3D imaging to visualize the potential results. This helps set realistic expectations.

Pre-Surgery Meeting:

  • Final Consultation: Have a final pre-surgery consultation to address any last-minute questions or concerns. This is your opportunity to ensure you are fully prepared and informed.
  • Review Instructions: Go over all pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions one last time for clarity. Ensure you understand what to do before and after the surgery.

Day of Surgery:

  • Arrival Time: Arrive at the surgical facility at the specified time, usually a few hours before the procedure. This allows time for final preparations and paperwork.
  • Pre-Operative Preparation: Undergo final pre-operative preparations, including changing into surgical attire and final health checks. Your medical team will ensure you are ready for the procedure.

What happens during a Nasal surgery?

Pre-Anesthesia Preparation

Patient Preparation:

  • Positioning the patient on the operating table in a comfortable and secure manner.
  • Ensuring all necessary monitoring equipment is properly attached to the patient, including heart rate monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and oxygen saturation sensors.
  • Confirming the patient’s identity and the specific surgical plan with the surgical team to avoid any errors.

Administration of Anesthesia

Anesthesia Induction:

  • Administering the chosen type of anesthesia, which could be general anesthesia (patient is completely unconscious) or local anesthesia with sedation (patient is relaxed but awake).
  • Monitoring the patient’s vital signs to ensure the anesthesia is taking effect properly and safely.
  • Adjusting the anesthesia dosage as necessary to maintain the appropriate level of sedation throughout the procedure.

Sterilization and Draping

Sterile Field Preparation:

  • Thoroughly cleaning the surgical site (nose and surrounding areas) with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Placing sterile drapes around the surgical site to maintain a clean and isolated environment.
  • Ensuring that all surgical instruments and materials are sterile and ready for use.

Initial Incisions

Creating Access:

  • Making precise incisions in the nasal tissues based on the surgical plan. For open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the columella (the tissue between the nostrils), while for closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nostrils.
  • Using fine surgical tools to carefully separate the skin and soft tissues from the underlying nasal structures.
  • Maintaining a controlled environment to minimize bleeding and tissue damage.

Structural Modifications

Bone and Cartilage Reshaping:

  • Reshaping the nasal bones and cartilage to achieve the desired structural changes. This can involve removing, adding, or repositioning bone and cartilage.
  • Using specialized tools such as rasps, chisels, and grafting materials to achieve precise modifications.
  • Ensuring that the structural integrity of the nose is maintained while making the necessary adjustments.

Septum Correction (if applicable)


  • Straightening and repositioning the nasal septum (the wall between the nostrils) if it is deviated or crooked.
  • Removing any obstructive cartilage or bone to improve airflow and correct breathing issues.
  • Reinforcing the septum with grafts or sutures to ensure stability and proper alignment.

Turbinate Reduction (if applicable)

Turbinate Surgery:

  • Reducing the size of the turbinates (bony structures inside the nose) if they are enlarged and causing breathing difficulties.
  • Using techniques such as radiofrequency ablation, electrocautery, or partial removal to decrease turbinate size.
  • Ensuring that the reduction is balanced and preserves normal nasal function.

Grafting (if applicable)

Graft Placement:

  • Harvesting graft materials from other parts of the patient’s body (such as cartilage from the ear or rib) or using synthetic grafts.
  • Shaping and positioning the grafts to enhance the nasal structure and achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.
  • Securing the grafts with sutures or other fixation methods to ensure stability and integration.

Suturing and Closing Incisions

Wound Closure:

  • Carefully suturing the incisions made during the surgery, ensuring that the stitches are precise and minimize scarring.
  • Using absorbable sutures for internal incisions and non-absorbable sutures for external incisions, which will need to be removed later.
  • Applying adhesive strips or surgical glue to reinforce the incision sites and promote proper healing.

Final Assessment and Dressing

Post-Surgical Evaluation:

  • Conducting a thorough assessment of the surgical results to ensure that the desired changes have been achieved and that there are no complications.
  • Placing nasal dressings, splints, or packing to support the newly shaped structures and minimize swelling.
  • Providing instructions for immediate post-operative care and arranging for the patient’s transfer to the recovery area.
  • Each of these steps involves meticulous attention to detail and precise execution to ensure a successful nasal surgery. Here is a breakdown of what the doctor does in each step:

Sterilization and Draping

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Cleaning the surgical site with antiseptic solutions.
  • Applying sterile drapes around the surgical area.
  • Ensuring all surgical instruments are sterile.

Initial Incisions

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Making precise incisions as per the surgical plan.
  • Separating skin and tissues carefully to access nasal structures.
  • Minimizing bleeding and ensuring clear visibility.

Structural Modifications

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Reshaping nasal bones and cartilage using specialized tools.
  • Adding, removing, or repositioning structures as needed.
  • Maintaining structural integrity while achieving desired changes.

Septum Correction (if applicable)

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Straightening and repositioning the nasal septum.
  • Removing obstructive cartilage or bone.
  • Reinforcing septum with grafts or sutures.

Turbinate Reduction (if applicable)

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Reducing turbinate size using various techniques.
  • Ensuring balanced reduction to preserve nasal function.
  • Monitoring for proper airflow and functionality.

Grafting (if applicable)

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Harvesting and shaping graft materials.
  • Positioning grafts to enhance nasal structure.
  • Securing grafts with sutures or other methods.

Suturing and Closing Incisions

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Suturing incisions with precision to minimize scarring.
  • Using appropriate sutures for internal and external incisions.
  • Applying adhesive strips or surgical glue.

Final Assessment and Dressing

Doctor’s Actions:

  • Assessing surgical results and checking for complications.
  • Placing nasal dressings, splints, or packing.
  • Providing immediate post-operative care instructions.


Nasal surgery in Turkey offers a range of options at competitive prices, making it an attractive choice for many seeking cosmetic or functional improvements.

By understanding the cost breakdown, factors influencing pricing, and additional expenses, you can make an informed decision and plan your procedure effectively.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your appearance or improve breathing function, Turkey’s advanced medical facilities and skilled surgeons provide a variety of choices to suit your needs.

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